Module Slap_vec

module Slap_vec: sig .. end
Slap.Vec provides operations on sized vectors.

type (+'n, 'num, 'prec, +'cnt_or_dsc) t 
('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cnt_or_dsc) vec is the type of 'n-dimensional vector whose elements have OCaml type 'num, representation kind 'prec and memory contiguity flag 'cnt_or_dsc. The internal implementation is fortran-style one-dimensional big array.
val cnt : ('n, 'num, 'prec, Slap_misc.cnt) t ->
('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cnt) t
Recover polymorphism of the fourth type parameter.

Creation of vectors

val create : ('num, 'prec) Bigarray.kind ->
'n Slap_size.t -> ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cnt) t
create kind n
Returns a fresh n-dimensional vector (not initialized).
val make : ('num, 'prec) Bigarray.kind ->
'n Slap_size.t -> 'num -> ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cnt) t
make kind n a
Returns a fresh n-dimensional vector initialized with a.
val init : ('a, 'b) Bigarray.kind ->
'n Slap_size.t -> (int -> 'a) -> ('n, 'a, 'b, 'cnt) t
init kind n f
Returns a fresh vector (f 1, ..., f n) with n elements.


val kind : ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cd) t -> ('num, 'prec) Bigarray.kind
Returns the kind of the given big array.
val dim : ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cd) t -> 'n Slap_size.t
dim x
Returns the dimension of the vector x.
val get_dyn : ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cd) t -> int -> 'num
get_dyn x i
Returns the i-th element of the vector x.
val set_dyn : ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cd) t -> int -> 'num -> unit
set_dyn x i a assigns a to the i-th element of the vector x.
val unsafe_get : ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cd) t -> int -> 'num
Like Slap_vec.get_dyn, but size checking is not always performed.
val unsafe_set : ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cd) t -> int -> 'num -> unit
Like Slap_vec.set_dyn, but size checking is not always performed.
val replace_dyn : ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cd) t -> int -> ('num -> 'num) -> unit
replace_dyn v i f is set_dyn v i (f (get_dyn v i)).


val map : ('y_num, 'y_prec) Bigarray.kind ->
('x_num -> 'y_num) ->
?y:('n, 'y_num, 'y_prec, 'y_cd) t ->
('n, 'x_num, 'x_prec, 'x_cd) t ->
('n, 'y_num, 'y_prec, 'y_cd) t
map kind f ?y (x1, ..., xn) is (f x1, ..., f xn).
Returns the vector y, which is overwritten.
y : default = a fresh vector.
val mapi : ('y_num, 'y_prec) Bigarray.kind ->
(int -> 'x_num -> 'y_num) ->
?y:('n, 'y_num, 'y_prec, 'y_cd) t ->
('n, 'x_num, 'x_prec, 'x_cd) t ->
('n, 'y_num, 'y_prec, 'y_cd) t
mapi kind f ?y (x1, ..., xn) is (f 1 x1, ..., f n xn) with the vector's dimension n.
Returns the vector y, which is overwritten.
y : default = a fresh vector.
val fold_left : ('accum -> 'x_num -> 'accum) ->
'accum -> ('n, 'x_num, 'prec, 'cd) t -> 'accum
fold_left f init (x1, x2, ..., xn) is f (... (f (f init x1) x2) ...) xn.
val fold_lefti : (int -> 'accum -> 'num -> 'accum) ->
'accum -> ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cd) t -> 'accum
fold_lefti f init (x1, x2, ..., xn) is f n (... (f 2 (f 1 init x1) x2) ...) xn with the vector's dimension n.
val fold_right : ('num -> 'accum -> 'accum) ->
('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cd) t -> 'accum -> 'accum
fold_right f (x1, x2, ..., xn) init is f x1 (f x2 (... (f xn init) ...)).
val fold_righti : (int -> 'num -> 'accum -> 'accum) ->
('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cd) t -> 'accum -> 'accum
fold_righti f (x1, x2, ..., xn) init is f 1 x1 (f 2 x2 (... (f n xn init) ...)) with the vector's dimension n.
val replace_all : ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cd) t -> ('num -> 'num) -> unit
replace_all x f modifies the vector x in place -- the i-th element xi of x will be set to f xi.
val replace_alli : ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cd) t -> (int -> 'num -> 'num) -> unit
replace_alli x f modifies the vector x in place -- the i-th element xi of x will be set to f i xi.
val iter : ('num -> unit) -> ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cd) t -> unit
iter f (x1, x2, ..., xn) is f x1; f x2; ...; f xn.
val iteri : (int -> 'num -> unit) -> ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cd) t -> unit
iteri f (x1, x2, ..., xn) is f 1 x1; f 2 x2; ...; f n xn.

Iterators on two vectors

val map2 : ('z_num, 'z_prec) Bigarray.kind ->
('x_num -> 'y_num -> 'z_num) ->
?z:('n, 'z_num, 'z_prec, 'z_cd) t ->
('n, 'x_num, 'x_prec, 'x_cd) t ->
('n, 'y_num, 'y_prec, 'y_cd) t ->
('n, 'z_num, 'z_prec, 'z_cd) t
map2 kind f ?z (x1, x2, ..., xn) (y1, y2, ..., yn) is (f x1 y1, f x2 y2, ..., f xn yn).
Returns the vector z, which is overwritten.
z : default = a fresh vector.
val mapi2 : ('z_num, 'z_prec) Bigarray.kind ->
(int -> 'x_num -> 'y_num -> 'z_num) ->
?z:('n, 'z_num, 'z_prec, 'z_cd) t ->
('n, 'x_num, 'x_prec, 'x_cd) t ->
('n, 'y_num, 'y_prec, 'y_cd) t ->
('n, 'z_num, 'z_prec, 'z_cd) t
mapi2 kind f ?z (x1, x2, ..., xn) (y1, y2, ..., yn) is (f 1 x1 y1, f 2 x2 y2, ..., f n xn yn) with the vectors' dimension n.
Returns the vector z, which is overwritten.
z : default = a fresh vector.
val fold_left2 : ('accum -> 'x_num -> 'y_num -> 'accum) ->
'accum ->
('n, 'x_num, 'x_prec, 'x_cd) t ->
('n, 'y_num, 'y_prec, 'y_cd) t -> 'accum
fold_left2 f init (x1, x2, ..., xn) (y1, y2, ..., yn) is f (... (f (f init x1 y1) x2 y2) ...) xn yn.
val fold_lefti2 : (int -> 'accum -> 'x_num -> 'y_num -> 'accum) ->
'accum ->
('n, 'x_num, 'x_prec, 'x_cd) t ->
('n, 'y_num, 'y_prec, 'y_cd) t -> 'accum
fold_lefti2 f init (x1, x2, ..., xn) (y1, y2, ..., yn) is f n (... (f 2 (f 1 init x1 y1) x2 y2) ...) xn yn with the vectors' dimension n.
val fold_right2 : ('x_num -> 'y_num -> 'accum -> 'accum) ->
('n, 'x_num, 'x_prec, 'x_cd) t ->
('n, 'y_num, 'y_prec, 'y_cd) t -> 'accum -> 'accum
fold_righti2 f (x1, x2, ..., xn) (y1, y2, ..., yn) init is f x1 y1 (f x2 y2 (... (f xn yn init) ...)).
val fold_righti2 : (int -> 'x_num -> 'y_num -> 'accum -> 'accum) ->
('n, 'x_num, 'x_prec, 'x_cd) t ->
('n, 'y_num, 'y_prec, 'y_cd) t -> 'accum -> 'accum
fold_righti2 f (x1, x2, ..., xn) (y1, y2, ..., yn) init is f 1 x1 y1 (f 2 x2 y2 (... (f n xn yn init) ...)) with the vectors' dimension n.
val iter2 : ('x_num -> 'y_num -> unit) ->
('n, 'x_num, 'x_prec, 'x_cd) t ->
('n, 'y_num, 'y_prec, 'y_cd) t -> unit
iter2 f (x1, x2, ..., xn) (y1, y2, ..., yn) is f x1 y1; f x2 y2; ...; f xn yn.
val iteri2 : (int -> 'x_num -> 'y_num -> unit) ->
('n, 'x_num, 'x_prec, 'x_cd) t ->
('n, 'y_num, 'y_prec, 'y_cd) t -> unit
iteri2 f (x1, x2, ..., xn) (y1, y2, ..., yn) is f 1 x1 y1; f 2 x2 y2; ...; f n xn yn.

Iterators on three vectors

val map3 : ('w_num, 'w_prec) Bigarray.kind ->
('x_num -> 'y_num -> 'z_num -> 'w_num) ->
?w:('n, 'w_num, 'w_prec, 'w_cd) t ->
('n, 'x_num, 'x_prec, 'x_cd) t ->
('n, 'y_num, 'y_prec, 'y_cd) t ->
('n, 'z_num, 'z_prec, 'z_cd) t ->
('n, 'w_num, 'w_prec, 'w_cd) t
map3 kind f ?w (x1, x2, ..., xn) (y1, y2, ..., yn) (z1, z2, ..., zn) is (f x1 y1 z1, f x2 y2 z2, ..., f xn yn zn).
Returns the vector w, which is overwritten.
w : default = a fresh vector.
val mapi3 : ('w_num, 'w_prec) Bigarray.kind ->
(int -> 'x_num -> 'y_num -> 'z_num -> 'w_num) ->
?w:('n, 'w_num, 'w_prec, 'w_cd) t ->
('n, 'x_num, 'x_prec, 'x_cd) t ->
('n, 'y_num, 'y_prec, 'y_cd) t ->
('n, 'z_num, 'z_prec, 'z_cd) t ->
('n, 'w_num, 'w_prec, 'w_cd) t
mapi3 kind f ?w (x1, x2, ..., xn) (y1, y2, ..., yn) (z1, z2, ..., zn) is (f 1 x1 y1 z1, f 2 x2 y2 z2, ..., f n xn yn zn) with the vectors' dimension n.
Returns the vector w, which is overwritten.
w : default = a fresh vector.
val fold_left3 : ('accum -> 'x_num -> 'y_num -> 'z_num -> 'accum) ->
'accum ->
('n, 'x_num, 'x_prec, 'x_cd) t ->
('n, 'y_num, 'y_prec, 'y_cd) t ->
('n, 'z_num, 'z_prec, 'z_cd) t -> 'accum
fold_left3 f init (x1, x2, ..., xn) (y1, y2, ..., yn) (z1, z2, ..., zn) is f (... (f (f init x1 y1 z1) x2 y2 z2) ...) xn yn zn.
val fold_lefti3 : (int -> 'accum -> 'x_num -> 'y_num -> 'z_num -> 'accum) ->
'accum ->
('n, 'x_num, 'x_prec, 'x_cd) t ->
('n, 'y_num, 'y_prec, 'y_cd) t ->
('n, 'z_num, 'z_prec, 'z_cd) t -> 'accum
fold_lefti3 f init (x1, x2, ..., xn) (y1, y2, ..., yn) (z1, z2, ..., zn) is f n (... (f 2 (f 1 init x1 y1 z1) x2 y2 z2) ...) xn yn zn with the vectors' dimension n.
val fold_right3 : ('x_num -> 'y_num -> 'z_num -> 'accum -> 'accum) ->
('n, 'x_num, 'x_prec, 'x_cd) t ->
('n, 'y_num, 'y_prec, 'y_cd) t ->
('n, 'z_num, 'z_prec, 'z_cd) t -> 'accum -> 'accum
fold_right3 f (x1, x2, ..., xn) (y1, y2, ..., yn) (z1, z2, ..., zn) init is f x1 y1 z1 (f x2 y2 z2 (... (f xn yn zn init) ...)).
val fold_righti3 : (int -> 'x_num -> 'y_num -> 'z_num -> 'accum -> 'accum) ->
('n, 'x_num, 'x_prec, 'x_cd) t ->
('n, 'y_num, 'y_prec, 'y_cd) t ->
('n, 'z_num, 'z_prec, 'z_cd) t -> 'accum -> 'accum
fold_righti3 f (x1, x2, ..., xn) (y1, y2, ..., yn) (z1, z2, ..., zn) init is f 1 x1 y1 z1 (f 2 x2 y2 z2 (... (f n xn yn zn init) ...)) with the vectors' dimension n.
val iter3 : ('x_num -> 'y_num -> 'z_num -> unit) ->
('n, 'x_num, 'x_prec, 'x_cd) t ->
('n, 'y_num, 'y_prec, 'y_cd) t ->
('n, 'z_num, 'z_prec, 'z_cd) t -> unit
iter3 f (x1, x2, ..., xn) (y1, y2, ..., yn) (z1, z2, ..., zn) is f x1 y1 z1; f x2 y2 z2; ...; f xn yn zn.
val iteri3 : (int -> 'x_num -> 'y_num -> 'z_num -> unit) ->
('n, 'x_num, 'x_prec, 'x_cd) t ->
('n, 'y_num, 'y_prec, 'y_cd) t ->
('n, 'z_num, 'z_prec, 'z_cd) t -> unit
iteri3 f (x1, x2, ..., xn) (y1, y2, ..., yn) (z1, z2, ..., zn) is f 1 x1 y1 z1; f 2 x2 y2 z2; ...; f n xn yn zn.


val for_all : ('num -> bool) -> ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cd) t -> bool
for_all p (x1, x2, ..., xn) is (p x1) && (p x2) && ... && (p xn).
Returns true if and only if all elements of the given vector satisfy the predicate p.
val exists : ('num -> bool) -> ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cd) t -> bool
exists p (x1, x2, ..., xn) is (p x1) || (p x2) || ... || (p xn).
Returns true if and only if at least one element of the given vector satisfies the predicate p.
val for_all2 : ('x_num -> 'y_num -> bool) ->
('n, 'x_num, 'x_prec, 'x_cd) t ->
('n, 'y_num, 'y_prec, 'y_cd) t -> bool
for_all2 p (x1, x2, ..., xn) (y1, y2, ..., yn) is (p x1 y1) && (p x2 y2) && ... && (p xn yn).
Returns true if and only if all elements of the given two vectors satisfy the predicate p.
val exists2 : ('x_num -> 'y_num -> bool) ->
('n, 'x_num, 'x_prec, 'x_cd) t ->
('n, 'y_num, 'y_prec, 'y_cd) t -> bool
exists2 p (x1, x2, ..., xn) (y1, y2, ..., yn) is (p x1 y1) || (p x2 y2) || ... || (p xn yn).
Returns true if and only if at least one pair of elements of the given two vectors satisfies the predicate p.
val mem : ?equal:('num -> 'num -> bool) ->
'num -> ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cd) t -> bool
mem ?equal a v
Returns true if and only if a is equal to an element of v.
equal : default = (=) (polymorphic compare)

Basic operations

val cons : ?y:('n Slap_size.s, 'num, 'prec, 'y_cd) t ->
'num ->
('n, 'num, 'prec, 'x_cd) t ->
('n Slap_size.s, 'num, 'prec, 'y_cd) t
cons ?y e x adds element e at the beginning of vector x, and copies it into y.
Since 4.0.0
Returns the vector y, which is overwritten.
y : default = a fresh vector.
val hd : ('n Slap_size.s, 'num, 'prec, 'x_cd) t -> 'num
Since 4.0.0
Returns the first element of a given vector. (typesafe)
val hd_dyn : ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'x_cd) t -> 'num
Since 4.0.0
Returns the first element of a given vector.
val last : ('n Slap_size.s, 'num, 'prec, 'x_cd) t -> 'num
Since 4.0.0
Returns the last element of a given vector. (typesafe)
val last_dyn : ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'x_cd) t -> 'num
Since 4.0.0
Returns the last element of a given vector.
val tl : ?y:('n, 'num, 'prec, 'y_cd) t ->
('n Slap_size.s, 'num, 'prec, 'x_cd) t ->
('n, 'num, 'prec, 'x_cd) t
Since 4.0.0
Returns a given vector without the first element. (typesafe)
val tl_dyn : ?y:('n Slap_size.p, 'num, 'prec, 'y_cd) t ->
('n, 'num, 'prec, 'x_cd) t ->
('n Slap_size.p, 'num, 'prec, 'x_cd) t
Since 4.0.0
Returns a given vector without the first element.
val inits : ?y:('n, 'num, 'prec, 'y_cd) t ->
('n Slap_size.s, 'num, 'prec, 'x_cd) t ->
('n, 'num, 'prec, 'x_cd) t
Since 4.0.0
Returns a given vector without the first element. (typesafe) This is the same as init in Haskell.
val inits_dyn : ?y:('n Slap_size.p, 'num, 'prec, 'y_cd) t ->
('n, 'num, 'prec, 'x_cd) t ->
('n Slap_size.p, 'num, 'prec, 'x_cd) t
Since 4.0.0
Returns a given vector without the first element. This is the same as init in Haskell.
val copy : ?y:('n, 'num, 'prec, 'y_cd) t ->
('n, 'num, 'prec, 'x_cd) t -> ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'y_cd) t
copy ?y x copies the vector x to the vector y.
Returns the vector y, which is overwritten.
y : default = a fresh vector.
val fill : ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cd) t -> 'num -> unit
Fill the given vector with the given value.
val append : ('m, 'num, 'prec, 'x_cd) t ->
('n, 'num, 'prec, 'y_cd) t ->
(('m, 'n) Slap_size.add, 'num, 'prec, 'cnt) t
Concatenate two vectors.
val shared_rev : ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cd) t -> ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cd) t
shared_rev (x1, x2, ..., xn)
Returns reversed vector (xn, ..., x2, x1). The data are shared.
val rev : ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cd) t -> ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cd) t
rev (x1, x2, ..., xn)
Returns reversed vector (xn, ..., x2, x1). The data are NOT shared.


val to_array : ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cd) t -> 'num array
to_array x
Returns the array of all the elements of the vector x.
val of_array_dyn : ('num, 'prec) Bigarray.kind ->
'n Slap_size.t -> 'num array -> ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cnt) t
of_array_dyn kind n [|a1; ...; an|]
Raises Invalid_argument the length of the given array is not equal to n.
Returns a fresh vector (a1, ..., an).
val unsafe_of_array : ('num, 'prec) Bigarray.kind ->
'n Slap_size.t -> 'num array -> ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cnt) t
Like of_array_dyn, but size checking is not always performed.
Since 1.0.0
val to_list : ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cd) t -> 'num list
to_list x
Returns the list of all the elements of the vector x.
val of_list_dyn : ('num, 'prec) Bigarray.kind ->
'n Slap_size.t -> 'num list -> ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cnt) t
of_list_dyn kind n [a1; ...; an]
Raises Invalid_argument the length of the given list is not equal to n.
Returns a fresh vector (a1, ..., an).
val unsafe_of_list : ('num, 'prec) Bigarray.kind ->
'n Slap_size.t -> 'num list -> ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cnt) t
Like of_list_dyn, but size checking is not always performed.
Since 1.0.0
val to_bigarray : ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cd) t ->
('num, 'prec, Bigarray.fortran_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t
to_bigarray x
Returns the big array of all the elements of the vector x.
val of_bigarray_dyn : ?share:bool ->
'n Slap_size.t ->
('num, 'prec, Bigarray.fortran_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t ->
('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cnt) t
of_bigarray_dyn ?share n ba
Raises Invalid_argument the length of the given big array is not equal to n.
Returns a fresh vector of all the elements of big array ba.
share : true if data are shared. (default = false)
val unsafe_of_bigarray : ?share:bool ->
'n Slap_size.t ->
('num, 'prec, Bigarray.fortran_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t ->
('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cnt) t
Like unsafe_of_bigarray, but size checking is not always performed.
Since 1.0.0
type ('num, 'prec, 'cnt_or_dsc) dyn = 
| VEC : ('n, 'num0, 'prec0, 'cnt_or_dsc0) t -> ('num0, 'prec0, 'cnt_or_dsc0) dyn
The type of packages of existential quantified sized type: ('num, 'prec, 'cnt_or_dsc) dyn = exists n. (n, 'num, 'prec, 'cnt_or_dsc) Vec.t.
Since 4.0.0
val of_array_c : ('num, 'prec) Bigarray.kind -> 'num array -> ('num, 'prec, 'cnt) dyn
let VEC n = of_array_c kind [|a1; ...; an|]
Since 4.0.0
Returns a constructor VEC that has a vector (a1, ..., an) that has the existential quantified sized type exists n. (n, 'num, 'prec, 'cnt_or_dsc) Vec.t. "c" of of_array_c means a "c"onstructor of GADT. This function is available in OCaml 4.00 or above.
val of_list_c : ('num, 'prec) Bigarray.kind -> 'num list -> ('num, 'prec, 'cnt) dyn
let VEC n = of_list_c kind [a1; ...; an]
Since 4.0.0
Returns a constructor VEC that has a vector (a1, ..., an) that has the existential quantified sized type exists n. (n, 'num, 'prec, 'cnt_or_dsc) Vec.t. "c" of of_list_c means a "c"onstructor of GADT. This function is available in OCaml 4.00 or above.
val of_bigarray_c : ?share:bool ->
('num, 'prec, Bigarray.fortran_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t ->
('num, 'prec, 'cnt) dyn
let VEC n = of_bigarray_c ?share ba
Since 4.0.0
Returns a constructor VEC that has a vector (of all the elements of big array ba) that has the existential quantified sized type exists n. (n, 'num, 'prec, 'cnt_or_dsc) Vec.t. "c" of of_bigarray_c means a "c"onstructor of GADT. This function is available in OCaml 4.00 or above.
share : true if data are shared. (default = false)


val subcntvec_dyn : 'm Slap_size.t ->
?ofsx:int ->
('n, 'num, 'prec, Slap_misc.cnt) t ->
('m, 'num, 'prec, 'cnt) t
subcntvec_dyn m ?ofsx x
Raises Invalid_argument m and ofsx do not designate a valid subvector of x.
Returns a subvector of the contiguous vector x. The i-th element of it refers (ofsx+i-1)-th element of x. The data are shared.
ofsx : default = 1
val subdscvec_dyn : 'm Slap_size.t ->
?ofsx:int ->
?incx:int ->
('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cd) t ->
('m, 'num, 'prec, Slap_misc.dsc) t
subdscvec_dyn m ?ofsx ?incx x
Raises Invalid_argument m, ofsx and incx do not designate a valid subvector of x.
Returns a subvector of the vector x. The i-th element of it refers (ofsx+(i-1)*incx)-th element of x. The data are shared.
val subvec_dyn : 'm Slap_size.t ->
?ofsx:int ->
?incx:int ->
('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cd) t ->
('m, 'num, 'prec, Slap_misc.dsc) t
An alias of subdscvec_dyn.

Internal functions

val check_cnt : ('n, 'num, 'prec, Slap_misc.cnt) t -> bool
val opt_work : ('n, 'num, 'prec, Slap_misc.cnt) t option ->
('num, 'prec, Bigarray.fortran_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t option
val opt_cnt_vec : 'n Slap_size.t ->
('n, 'num, 'prec, Slap_misc.cnt) t option ->
('num, 'prec, Bigarray.fortran_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t option
val opt_cnt_vec_alloc : ('num, 'prec) Bigarray.kind ->
'n Slap_size.t ->
('n, 'num, 'prec, Slap_misc.cnt) t option ->
('num, 'prec, Bigarray.fortran_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t
val opt_vec : 'n Slap_size.t ->
('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cd) t option ->
int option * ('num, 'prec, Bigarray.fortran_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t option
val opt_vec_alloc : ('num, 'prec) Bigarray.kind ->
'n Slap_size.t ->
('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cd) t option ->
int * ('num, 'prec, Bigarray.fortran_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t
val __expose : ('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cnt_or_dsc) t ->
'n Slap_size.t * int *
('num, 'prec, Bigarray.fortran_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t
val __unexpose : 'n Slap_size.t ->
int ->
('num, 'prec, Bigarray.fortran_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t ->
('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cnt_or_dsc) t
val __unexpose_with_ofs : 'n Slap_size.t ->
int ->
int ->
('num, 'prec, Bigarray.fortran_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t ->
('n, 'num, 'prec, 'cnt_or_dsc) t
val __alloc_work : loc:string ->
min_lwork:'a Slap_size.t ->
opt_lwork:'b Slap_size.t ->
('num, 'prec) Bigarray.kind ->
('k, 'num, 'prec, Slap_misc.cnt) t option ->
int * ('num, 'prec, Bigarray.fortran_layout) Bigarray.Array1.t