Module Slap_io.Context

module Context: sig .. end

type t 
val create : int -> t
val ellipsis_default : string Pervasives.ref
default = "..."
val vertical_default : t option Pervasives.ref
- If Some n, the first n rows and the last n rows of a table are printed. When the number of rows is smaller than 2 * n, all rows are shown.
val horizontal_default : t option Pervasives.ref
- If Some n, the first n columns and the last n columns of a table are printed. When the number of columns is smaller than 2 * n, all columns are shown.
val set_dim_defaults : t option -> unit
set_dim_defaults opt_n sets both Slap_io.Context.vertical_default and Slap_io.Context.horizontal_default to opt_n.