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Sized Linear Algebra Package (SLAP)

BLAS and LAPACK binding in OCaml with type-based static size checking for matrix operations

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Creating matrices

A matrix can be created as follows.

(* a list of lists *)
# let a = [%mat [[1.0; 2.0; 3.0];
                 [4.0; 5.0; 6.0];
                 [7.0; 8.0; 9.0]]];;
val a : (three, three, 'a) mat =
     C1 C2 C3
  R1  1  2  3
  R2  4  5  6
  R3  7  8  9
(* a list of tuples *)
# let b = [%mat [1.0, 2.0, 3.0;
                 4.0, 5.0, 6.0;
                 7.0, 8.0, 9.0]];;
val b : (three, three, 'a) mat =
     C1 C2 C3
  R1  1  2  3
  R2  4  5  6
  R3  7  8  9

You can use functions to create a matrix as well.

# let a = Mat.make three five 42.0;;
val a : (three, five, 'a) mat =
     C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
  R1 42 42 42 42 42
  R2 42 42 42 42 42
  R3 42 42 42 42 42

Mat.make returns a matrix initialized by a given value. Note that it takes two dimensions: the first parameter three is the number of columns (i.e., the height) of the matrix and the second five is the number of rows (i.e., the width). Thus Mat.make three five x returns a three-by-five matrix initialized by the value of x.

Creating of matrices is the same as that of vectors except for passing two dimensions. You can also use Mat.create (which returns an uninitialized matrix for working memory), Mat.make0 (which creates a matrix initialized by zero; i.e., Mat.make0 m n is Mat.make m n 0.0), Mat.make1 (which returns a matrix initialized by one), Mat.init (which creates a matrix initialized by a given function) and Mat.random (which returns a randomly-initialized matrix). We show the following examples of Mat.init and Mat.random.

(* Mat.init *)
# let b = Mat.init four four (fun i j -> float_of_int (10 * i + j));;
val b : (z s s s s, z s s s s, 'a) mat =
     C1 C2 C3 C4
  R1 11 12 13 14
  R2 21 22 23 24
  R3 31 32 33 34
  R4 41 42 43 44

Mat.init m n f returns an m-by-n matrix whose element in the (i,j) position is initialized by the result of calling of f i j (where 1 <= i <= m and 1 <= j <= n).

(* Mat.random *)
# let b = Mat.random four four ~from:0.0 ~range:10.0;;
val b : (z s s s s, z s s s s, 'a) mat =
          C1      C2        C3      C4
  R1 9.26039 3.41639   5.97823 8.66882
  R2 7.86668 6.25315   0.90989  3.1101
  R3 5.59742 1.53848 0.0976622 7.56638
  R4 2.48343 6.52787   9.87177 1.67445

Mat.random is similar to Vec.random. The elements of a created matrix are in interval [from, from + range]. Arguments from and range are optional. If they are omitted, -1.0 and 2.0 are passed, respectively, i.e., the interval is [-1.0, +1.0].

Matrix types

Basically, the strange types of the matrices are the same as those of vectors. Consider the type of the following matrix a, again.

# let a = Mat.make three five 42.0;;
val a : (three, five, 'a) mat =
     C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
  R1 42 42 42 42 42
  R2 42 42 42 42 42
  R3 42 42 42 42 42

Matrix-vector operations

Matrix-vector operations (Level 2 BLAS routines) are defined under Slap.D. For example, gemv multiplies a general rectangular matrix and a vector. gemv ?beta ?y ~trans ?alpha a x basically computes y := alpha * a * x + beta * y where alpha (= 1 by default) and beta (= 0 by default) are scalar values, x and y are vectors, and a is a matrix:

# let x = [%vec [1.0; 2.0; 3.0; 4.0; 5.0]];;
val x : (five, 'a) vec = R1 R2 R3 R4 R5
                          1  2  3  4  5
# let a = [%mat [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0;
                 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0;
                 3.0, 6.0, 9.0, 12.0, 15.0]];;
val a : (three, five, 'a) mat =
     C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
  R1  1  2  3  4  5
  R2  2  4  6  8 10
  R3  3  6  9 12 15
# open Slap.Common;; (* Don't forget! *)
# gemv ~trans:normal a x;;
- : (three, 'a) vec = R1  R2  R3
                      55 110 165

The above example calculates

The parameter trans indicates whether matrix a is transposed, or not: when normal (= Slap.Common.normal) is passed, a is not transposed; in contrast, trans (= Slap.Common.trans) means that a is transposed as follows.

# let x' = [%vec [1.0; 2.0; 3.0]];;
val x' : (three, 'a) vec = R1 R2 R3
                            1  2  3
# gemv ~trans:trans a x';;
- : (five, 'a) vec = R1 R2 R3 R4 R5
                     14 28 42 56 70

The latter example computes

For example, you can use gemv for affine transformation.

Matrix-matrix operations

Matrix-matrix operations (Level 3 BLAS routines) are defined under Slap.D as well as matrix-vector operations. We only explain gemm and symm as examples, but more routines are supported.

gemm: multiplication of two general matrices

gemm multiplies two general rectangular matrices. Basically, gemm ?beta ?c ~transa ?alpha a ~transb b executes c := alpha * a * b + beta * c where alpha (= 1 by default) and beta (= 0 by default) are scalar values, and a, b and c are matrices:

# let a = [%mat [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0;
                 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0]];;
val a : (two, four, 'a) mat =     C1 C2 C3 C4
                               R1  1  2  3  4
                               R2  2  4  6  8
# let b = [%mat [2.0, 3.0, 4.0;
                 3.0, 4.0, 5.0;
                 4.0, 5.0, 6.0;
                 5.0, 6.0, 7.0]];;
val b : (four, three, 'a) mat =
     C1 C2 C3
  R1  2  3  4
  R2  3  4  5
  R3  4  5  6
  R4  5  6  7
# gemm ~transa:normal ~transb:normal a b;; (* a * b *)
- : (two, three, 'a) mat =    C1  C2  C3
                           R1 40  50  60
                           R2 80 100 120

The above code computes

The parameters transa and transb indicate whether matrices a and b are transposed, or not, respectively. They have the same effect as argument trans of gemv. Differently from gemv, gemm takes two transpose flags because it takes two matrices. As mentioned above, a is not transposed when normal (= Slap.Common.normal) is given to transa. trans (= Slap.Common.trans) means transposition as follows.

# gemm ~transa:trans ~transb:normal a a;; (* a^T * a *)
- : (four, four, 'a) mat =
   C1 C2 C3 C4
R1  5 10 15 20
R2 10 20 30 40
R3 15 30 45 60
R4 20 40 60 80

In this case, a four-by-four matrix is returned because $\bm{A}^\top \bm{A}$ is executed. Similarly, you can specify whether b is transposed, or not though transb:

# gemm ~transa:normal ~transb:trans a a;; (* a * a^T *)
- : (two, two, 'a) mat =    C1  C2
                         R1 30  60
                         R2 60 120

The above example calculates $\bm{A} \bm{A}^\top$. Nothing to say, both a and b can be transposed at the same time.

symm: multiplication of a symmetric matrix and a general matrix

symm multiplies a symmetric matrix and a general matrix. Basically, symm ~side ?up ?beta ?c ?alpha a b executes c := alpha * a * b + beta * c where alpha (= 1 by default) and beta (= 0 by default) are scalar values, a is a symmetrix matrix, and b and c are general rectangular matrices. symm does not have arguments to indicate transposition (e.g., transa and transb of gemm) because a symmetric matrix is equal to the transpose of itself. Instead of them, symm takes side flags to specify direction of the multiplication via argument side: when side = Slap.Common.left, a is multiplied from the left by b, i.e., c := alpha * a * b + beta * c; conversely, if side = Slap.Common.right, a is right-multiplied by b, c := alpha * b * a + beta * c.

For example, the following code left-multiplies symmetric matrix a by general matrix b.

# let a = [%mat [1.0, 2.0, 3.0;
                 2.0, 4.0, 6.0;
                 3.0, 6.0, 9.0]];;
val a : (three, three, 'a) mat =
     C1 C2 C3
  R1  1  2  3
  R2  2  4  6
  R3  3  6  9
# let b = [%mat [11.0, 12.0;
                 21.0, 22.0;
                 31.0, 32.0]];;
val b : (three, two, 'a) mat =    C1 C2
                               R1 11 12
                               R2 21 22
                               R3 31 32
# symm ~side:left a b;;
- : (z s s s, z s s, 'a) mat =     C1  C2
                               R1 146 152
                               R2 292 304
                               R3 438 456

It computes

You can also right-multiply a by b':

# let b' = [%mat [11.0, 12.0, 13.0;
                  21.0, 22.0, 23.0]];;
val b' : (two, three, 'a) mat =    C1 C2 C3
                                R1 11 12 13
                                R2 21 22 23
# symm ~side:right a b';;
- : (two, three, 'a) mat =     C1  C2  C3
                           R1  74 148 222
                           R2 134 268 402

The latter example computes

Optional argument up of symm specifies whether the upper or lower part of a is used for computation. By default, up is true, so the upper part is used, i.e., accessed by symm. If up is false, the lower part is supplied for symm.


SLAP supports many iterator functions such as map and fold_left on matrices. They are defined in Slap.D.Mat. For example, map applies a given function to each element of a given matrix:

# let a = [%mat [11.0, 12.0, 13.0;
                 21.0, 22.0, 23.0]];;
val a : (two, three, 'a) mat =    C1 C2 C3
                               R1 11 12 13
                               R2 21 22 23
# (fun aij -> 2.0 *. aij) a;;
- : (two, three, 'a) mat =    C1 C2 C3
                           R1 22 24 26
                           R2 42 44 46

(Mat.scal is faster than the above to multiply each element by a scalar value.)

fold_left folds column vectors of a given matrix from left to right:

# Mat.fold_left (fun acc v -> v :: acc) [] a;;
- : (z s s, 'a) vec list = [R1 R2
                            13 23 ; R1 R2
                                    12 22 ; R1 R2
                                            11 21 ]

The above example creates a list containing column vectors of a in reverse. (SLAP does not distinguish a column vector from a row vector on data structure.) fold_right, fold_top (folding row vectors from top to bottom) and fold_bottom (folding row vectors from bottom to top) are also supported.

Conversion into lists or arrays

You can easily convert a matrix into a list or an array by Mat.to_list or Mat.to_array.

# Mat.to_list a;;
- : float list list = [[11.; 12.; 13.]; [21.; 22.; 23.]]
# Mat.to_array a;;
- : float array array = [|[|11.; 12.; 13.|]; [|21.; 22.; 23.|]|]

However, conversion into a matrix from a list or an array is not as easy as them. We will describe such conversion in a later chapter.

Index-based access

You can access an element in a matrix with indices by Mat.get_dyn and Mat.set_dyn.

# Mat.get_dyn a 1 2;; (* Get the (1,2) element of `a' *)
- : float = 12.
# Mat.set_dyn a 1 2 100.;; (* Modify the (1,2) element of `a' *)
- : unit = ()
# a;;
- : (z s s, z s s s, 'a) mat =    C1  C2 C3
                               R1 11 100 13
                               R2 21  22 23

SLAP cannot statically verify whether given indices is valid, or not. get_dyn and set_dyn functions are low-level operations in SLAP. You should use high-level functions like map or arithmetic operations instead of them whenever possible because maybe static size checking does not work well. We will explain the reason in a later chapter. (In addition, get_dyn and set_dyn are not fast.)