Dimensions that are unknown until runtime
We have introduced vectors and matrices whose dimensions were statically decided so far. SLAP can statically verify dimensional consistency when the sizes are dynamically determined, e.g., when a vector (or a matrix) is loaded from a file at runtime. Unfortunately, however, SLAP does not provide functions to load it from a file. You need to write a function to load a list or an array from a file and convert it into a vector or a matrix for the time being. Please let us know (or please send us a pull request) if you want such functions.
Conversion of lists or arrays into vectors
converts a list into a vector:
# module X = (val Vec.of_list [1.0; 2.0; 3.0] : Vec.CNTVEC);;
module X : Slap.D.Vec.CNTVEC
Oh, a module is returned. The module X
has the following signature.
module type Vec.CNTVEC =
type n (* The type that represents the dimension of a vector *)
val value : (n, _) vec (* The instance of a vector *)
The instance of a vector is stored as X.value
# X.value;;
- : (X.n, 'cnt) vec = R1 R2 R3
1 2 3
The vector X.value
can be used as the vectors that we have introduced so far.
For example,
# Vec.map log X.value;;
- : (X.n, 'a) vec = R1 R2 R3
0 0.693147 1.09861
Similarly, Vec.of_array
converts an array into a vector.
# module Y = (val Vec.of_array [|1.0; 2.0; 3.0|] : Vec.CNTVEC);;
module Y : Slap.D.Vec.CNTVEC
You can pass lists whose sizes are dynamically decided as well. For example, the following code reads an integer from standard input and creates the vector whose dimension is equal to the integer. The dimension is obtained at runtime, thus it cannot be decided at compile time.
# module Z = (val Vec.of_array (Array.make (read_int ()) 42.0) : Vec.CNTVEC);;
The module Z
containing a vector of the dimension that is unknown until runtime
will be returned after your input. Let us say the input is 6
module Z : Slap.D.Vec.CNTVEC
contains a six-dimensional vector as follows.
# Z.value;;
- : (Z.n, 'cnt) vec = R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6
42 42 42 42 42 42
We will describe the mechanism of static size checking for the vectors (and matrices) later.
Conversion of lists or arrays into matrices
converts a list of lists into a matrix:
# module A = (val Mat.of_list
[[1.0; 2.0; 3.0];
[2.0; 3.0; 4.0]]
: Mat.CNTMAT);;
module A : Slap.D.Mat.CNTMAT
The module A
has the following signature.
module type Vec.CNTVEC =
type m (* The type that represents the number of rows in a matrix *)
type n (* The type that represents the number of columns in a matrix *)
val value : (m, n, _) mat (* The instance of a matrix *)
is the following matrix.
# A.value;;
- : (A.m, A.n, 'cnt) mat = C1 C2 C3
R1 1 2 3
R2 2 3 4
You can also use Mat.of_array
to convert an array of arrays into a matrix.
Static size checking
In this section, we explain the reason the above-mentioned way prevents
dimensional inconsistency. For example, consider function
loadvec : string -> (?, _) vec
to load a vector of some dimension, loaded
from the given path. Nothing to say, the dimension of a returned vector is
determined at runtime, but we need to give it some type at compile time.
The main problem is how to represent ?
(which is unknown until runtime).
Consider the following code for example:
let (x : (?1, _) vec) = loadvec "file1" in
let (y : (?2, _) vec) = loadvec "file2" in
dot x y (* should be ill-typed! *)
dot x y
at the third line should be ill-typed because the dimensions of x
and y
are probably different, i.e., ?1
and ?2
should be different types.
How about the case that the two paths are the same?
let (x : (?1, _) vec) = loadvec "file" in
let (y : (?2, _) vec) = loadvec "file" in
dot x y (* should be ill-typed! *)
In this case, dot x y
should be ill-typed because the file might change
between two loads, thus ?1
and ?2
need to be different as well. In summary,
the return type of loadvec
should be different every time it is called
(regardless the specific values of the argument). We call such a return type
generative because the function returns a value of a fresh type for each
call. The vector type with generative size information essentially corresponds
to an existentially quantified sized type like exists n. n vec
The type parameters 'm
, 'n
and 'a
of types 'n Size.t
, ('n, 'a) vec
('m, 'n, 'a) mat
are phantom, meaning that they do not appear on the right
hand side of the type definition. A phantom type parameter is often instantiated
with a type that has no value (i.e., no constructor) which we call a
phantom type, thus we call the type ?
a generative phantom type.
Actually, Vec.of_list
, Vec.of_array
, Mat.of_list
and Mat.of_array
like loadvec
. They return a module containing a vector and the type that
representing dimension such as X.n
, A.m
, A.n
, etc. The type in a returned
module becomes different every time the function is called. For example,
the following code makes two modules X
and Y
containing vectors.
# module X = (val Vec.of_list [1.0; 2.0; 3.0] : Vec.CNTVEC);;
module X : Slap.D.Vec.CNTVEC
# module Y = (val Vec.of_list [4.0; 5.0] : Vec.CNTVEC);;
module Y : Slap.D.Vec.CNTVEC
has type (X.n, _) vec
and Y.value
has type (Y.n, _) vec
The computation of the inner product of X.value
and Y.value
type error as follows because X.n
and Y.n
are different types.
# dot X.value Y.value;;
Error: This expression has type
(Y.n, 'a) vec = (Y.n, float, rprec, 'a) Slap.Vec.t
but an expression was expected of type
(X.n, 'b) vec = (X.n, float, rprec, 'b) Slap.Vec.t
Type Y.n is not compatible with type X.n
Even if the dimensions of X.value
and Y.value
were the same by some chance,
dot X.value Y.value
would be ill-typed in the above-mentioned reason.
You can compute addition, subtraction, inner product, etc. of the vectors and
matrices only if their dimensions are always equal. For example, the following
code computes the inner product of u
and X.value
# let u = Vec.map (fun xi -> 1.0 -. xi *. xi) X.value;;
val u : (X.n, 'a) vec = R1 R2 R3
0 -3 -8
# dot u X.value;;
- : float = -30.
has type (float -> float) -> ('n, _) vec -> ('n, _) vec
. It
indicates that Vec.map
always returns a vector of the same dimension as an
argument, so that u
has the same type as X.value
Using dynamic checks together
Maybe you want to add vectors loaded from different files. Vec.of_list_dyn
supplied for the situation.
val Vec.of_list_dyn : 'n Size.t -> float list -> ('n, _) vec
It is also a function to convert a list into a vector, but different from
. It takes a size value corresponding the length of a given list as
the first parameter. For example, you can convert lists lst1
and lst2
from different files into vectors and add them as follows:
# module X = (val Vec.of_list lst1 : Vec.CNTVEC);;
# let y = Vec.of_list_dyn (Vec.dim X.value) lst2;;
# Vec.add X.value y;;
dim : ('n, _) vec -> 'n Size.t
returns the dimension of a given vector.
If lst1
and lst2
have different lengths, Vec.of_list_dyn
raises an
exception. We cannot guarantee the equality of dimensions of vectors
loaded from different files at compile time, so that this dynamic check is
unavoidable. We gave the suffix _dyn
to functions containing unavoidable
dynamic checks.
Returning vectors and matrices that have generative phantom types
The vectors and matrices of the dimensions that are dynamically determined can be created in local scope as follows:
# let sum_list lst =
let module X = (val Vec.of_list lst : Vec.CNTVEC) in (* a local module *)
Vec.sum X.value;;
val sum_list : float list -> float = <fun>
calculates the sum of all elements in a given list. The vector
is used internally and does not escape its scope.
If such vector escapes its scope, contrivance is required. For example,
the following function vec_of_string_array
converts an array of strings
into a vector.
# let vec_of_string_array a =
let module N = (val of_int_dyn (Array.length a) : SIZE) in
Vec.init N.value (fun i -> float_of_string a.(i-1));;
converts an integer to a size N.value : N.n Size.t
The function directly returns vector X.value : (N.n, _) vec
, thus the type of
it is likely string array -> (N.n, _) vec
intuitively. However, the return
type (N.n, _) vec
contains the locally defined identifier N
. Accordingly,
the function cannot be typed, and OCaml outputs the following error message.
Error: This expression has type
(N.n, 'a) vec = ('b, float, rprec, 'c) Slap.Vec.t
but an expression was expected of type (N.n, 'a) vec
The type constructor N.n would escape its scope
There are two ways to handle this in SLAP.
1. Using first-class modules
The first way is to use a first-class module to return a generative phantom type:
# let vec_of_string_array a =
let module N = (val of_int_dyn (Array.length a) : SIZE) in
(module struct
type n = N.n
let value = Vec.init N.value (fun i -> float_of_string a.(i-1))
end : Vec.CNTVEC);;
val vec_of_string_array : bytes array -> (module Slap.D.Vec.CNTVEC) = <fun>
The syntax is slightly heavy, but the idea is simple: a module containing a
generative phantom type is returned instead of a vector. The above function
can be used like Vec.of_array
# let main () =
let module X = (val vec_of_string_array [|"1.0"; "2.0"; "3.0"|] : Vec.CNTVEC) in
printf "X.value = [ %a]@." pp_rfvec X.value;;
val main : unit -> unit = <fun>
# main ();;
X.value = [ 1 2 3 ]
- : unit = ()
2. Adding extra arguments
Another is to insert the argument n
for the size of the array, and remove the
generative phantom type from the function:
# let vec_of_string_array n a =
if to_int n <> Array.length a then invalid_arg "error";
Vec.init n (fun i -> float_of_string a.(i-1));;
val vec_of_string_array : 'a Size.t -> bytes array -> ('a, 'b) vec = <fun>
In this case, programming is easier than the former way because the code is
simple, but whether n
is equal to the length of a should be dynamically
Trade-off of two solutions
Both solutions have merits and demerits. In practical cases, they are in a trade-off relationship:
generative phantom types | static size checking | programming | |
1. extra arguments | given from outside of a function | no | easy |
2. first-class modules | created in a function | yes | (slightly) hard |